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Jas Gripen-2

JAS Gripen

We did something really cool! We captured close up shots on JAS Gripen. No further explanation needed.

The mission was simple: get a lot of footage on the Gripen. So we called the one and only DOP Hans Johansson and rented a Scorpio 45″. We would love to show you everything, but because it’s military, we simply are not allowed. The footage has been used in a variety of different applications, you can take a look at one of the videos that our footage is FEATURED in, to be clear, we did not make the entire video. Only the close up shots on the Gripen in the studio! You can find it HERE

Client: Little Big One / SAAB

DOP: Hans Johansson

Camera Operator: Axel Franzino

Scorpio Operator: Karl Grahm